Gemma Gómez Rubio joins the Board of Directors

Gemma Gómez Rubio joins the Board of Directors

Tras la marcha de nuestra compañera Berta Muñoz Cáliz, cuyo trabajo en la Junta Directiva de ASSITEJ ha sido tan importante, se incorpora a la Junta Gemma Gómez Rubio, doctora en Filología Hispánica y profesora de Didáctica de la Lengua y Literatura en la Universidad...
Partner meetings

Partner meetings

ASSITEJ Spain holds, during the month of June, a series of meetings with its partners. The first meeting was on June 2, focused on the debate on the possibilities and drawbacks of virtualizing the performing arts. The second...


ASSITEJ Spain continues with the work of archiving, documentation and recovery of specialized material in the performing arts sector for girls, boys and young people. Along these lines, we started a VIDEOTECA OF PERFORMING ARTS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH, a ...
Migrants Project

Migrants Project

In 2019, ASSITEJ Spain, together with ASSITEJ France and ASSITEJ Italy, launched the Migrants project. The project aims to analyze the impact that the migration issue currently has on our society, as well as its reflection on the performing arts ...
Support measures for the sector

Support measures for the sector

ASSITEJ Spain is working, in coordination, with other cultural entities and directly with the Public Administrations, in the drafting and communication of various support measures for the sector. Here you can find a compilation of the measurements ...
ASSITEJ Spain statement

ASSITEJ Spain statement

Dear friends, dear friends: Given the lack of determination shown by the Minister of Culture in his public interventions regarding the extraordinary urgent measures that must be taken to preserve the various cultural manifestations of our ...

Formaras parte de la mayor red internacional de artes escénicas para la infancia y la juventud, presente en más de 75 países de todo el mundo, y estarás colaborando en la defensa y desarrollo de os derechos de acceso al arte de niños, niñas y jóvenes.

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