Sat,Nov,2021 | Partner News
Andrea Díaz Reboredo, a multidisciplinary plastic artist by training and a theatrical creator (director, set designer, performer…) by vocation, has been accumulating awards and recognitions with her theater company MAR (with the shows, MAR and Silencio). In the...
Fri,Nov,2021 | News from Spain
On the 3rd, the jury of the Juan Cervera Prize for Research on Performing Arts for Children and Youth met and decided to award the award of its X edition to Cristina Santolaria Solano for her work One million little princesses! (The Madrid scene...
Thu,Sep,2021 | News from Spain
The Segovian festival obtains the award for being "an indisputable benchmark" and for "its capacity for generational renewal". From ASSITEJ we are very happy to recognize a festival that this year celebrated its 35th edition and that had to adapt its...
Thu,Sep,2021 | Partner News
We are launching the cycle of meetings and interviews, in collaboration with The Little Spectator, with performing arts professionals aimed at children and youth These meetings, which begin with the interview we recorded with Carlos Laredo at Casa del Lector,...
Mon,Sep,2021 | News from Spain
Start Bold. State Circuit of Performing Arts for School Audiences promoted by the INAEM, and the Te Veo and ASSITEJ associations. The pilot phase of the project begins its activity this September with training in mediation and development of...
Tue,May,2021 | Partner News
Campi Qui Pugui recibe el Premio de la crítica de Cataluña por su “Camino a la escuela” ¡¡Muchas felicidades!! Tres hermanas, un camino y un objetivo: tener el futuro en sus manos. La extraordinaria historia de tres hermanas que se enfrentan a obstáculos y...
Sat,Apr,2021 | Partner News
The small spectator, the theater and performing arts magazine for babies, children and youth participated on April 15 in the Rtve program Arteesfera. To learn more about this magazine, they interviewed Eva Llergo, Doctor of Literature from the Complutense University,...
Thu,Mar,2021 | News from Spain
We are very grateful to the Academy for granting us this very important recognition of our work. This medal belongs to the entire ASSITEJ Spain community that with its tireless and, often, little-recognized work contributes to improving the situation of ...
Tue,Mar,2021 | Partner News
ASSITEJ Spain announces, once again, the X Juan Cervera Research Award on Performing Arts for Children and Youth, with the aim of stimulating and promoting research work, as well as the generation of knowledge in the field of theater for. ..
Thu,Mar,2021 | Fairs and Festivals Spain
Teatralia cumple 25 años en un momento en que más que nunca el arte se hace imprescindible; el arte que libera, el arte que sana, en expresión de Boris Cyrulnik, el “inventor” de la resiliencia. Nos invitan al diálogo con 28 equipos artísticos, los que componen cada...