The little spectator in RTVE's Artesfera

The little spectator in RTVE's Artesfera

The small spectator, the theater and performing arts magazine for babies, children and youth participated on April 15 in the Rtve program Arteesfera. To learn more about this magazine, they interviewed Eva Llergo, Doctor of Literature from the Complutense University,...
Teatralia Festival 2021

Teatralia Festival 2021

Teatralia cumple 25 años en un momento en que más que nunca el arte se hace imprescindible; el arte que libera, el arte que sana, en expresión de Boris Cyrulnik, el “inventor” de la resiliencia. Nos invitan al diálogo con 28 equipos artísticos, los que componen cada...
Meeting of ASSITEJ members:

Meeting of ASSITEJ members:

Diversity and accessibility in the Performing Arts for children and youth. Wednesday, January 27 (6:00 p.m.) Coordinated by Jana Pacheco The purpose of this meeting is to reflect and look for possibilities for theater companies for children and families to ...


VIII ASSITEJ CYCLE OF DRAMATIC READINGS SAMPLE OF THEATER FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH ASSITEJ Spain celebrates the VIII Cycle of Dramatized Readings, on January 9, 10 and 11. One more year, the theatrical readings return to the Auditorium of Casa del Lector ...

Formaras parte de la mayor red internacional de artes escénicas para la infancia y la juventud, presente en más de 75 países de todo el mundo, y estarás colaborando en la defensa y desarrollo de os derechos de acceso al arte de niños, niñas y jóvenes.

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