XII CICLO ASSITEJ DE LECTURAS DRAMATIZADAS Muestra de teatro para la infancia y la juventud. ASSITEJ España celebra el XII Ciclo de Lecturas Dramatizadas, los días 7, 8 y 9 de abril. Un año más, las lecturas teatrales vuelven al Auditorio de Casa del Lector en...
Nieves Rodríguez Rodríguez gana el Premio Lope de Vega 2024
Nuestra socia, Nieves Rodríguez Rodríguez ha sido la ganadora del Premio Lope de Vega 2024 por su obra Palimpsesto [Cuaderno de Dinamarca], una indagación sobre la memoria de las niñas y los niños exiliados en Dinamarca en 1937 y que pretende ser una defensa de la...
Beatriz de Torres recibe el Premio Nacional ASSITEJ España 2024
ASSITEJ España otorga el Premio Nacional ASSITEJ España 2024 a Beatriz de Torres Los socios y socias de ASSITEJ España han decidido otorgar el Premio Nacional ASSITEJ España 2024 a Beatriz de Torres, en reconocimiento a su práctica rigurosa, comprometida y cuidada,...
Oferta de Empleo: Gestor/a de Proyecto de ComunicaciónASSITEJ España, en colaboración con ASSITEJ Internacional, está buscando incorporar a un/a Gestor/a de Proyecto de Comunicación para liderar y coordinar la campaña de comunicación del Día Mundial de las Artes...
Fallece el dramaturgo Luis Matilla
Con profundo pesar, desde ASSITEJ España nos unimos al dolor por el fallecimiento de Luis Matilla, una figura imprescindible en el teatro para la infancia y la juventud en nuestro país. Su legado perdurará en la memoria de quienes han tenido la fortuna de disfrutar de...
El 20 de noviembre. Día mundial de la Infancia.
Una ocasión especial para que todo el mundo conozca los derechos de los niños y para recordar la importancia de trabajar para conseguir el bienestar de todos los niños y las niñas del mundo. Este día de celebración a nivel mundial es una oportunidad para recordar el...
CONVOCATORIA ABIERTA: Primera Escena Accesible
Desde Aptent, Teatro Accesible y ASSITEJ España lanzamos la convocatoria asociada al proyecto "Primera Escena Accesible", para ampliar el alcance de los espectáculos y programaciones dirigidas a niños, niñas y jóvenes, implementando medidas de accesibilidad que...
Lanzamos “Primera Escena Accesible”
Desde ASSITEJ España y Aptent Teatro Accesible, seguimos trabajando en el pleno acceso a las artes escénicas para el público infantil y juvenil, y para ello ponemos en marcha el proyecto "Primera Escena Accesible". La iniciativa tiene como objetivo ampliar el alcance...
Abiertas Convocatorias Educativas lanzadas por Red Planea y Pedagogías invisibles
Red Planea y Pedagogías Invisibles, en colaboración con ASSITEJ España, lanzan dos convocatorias dirigidas a centros educativos públicos de secundaria de la Comunidad de Madrid, con el objetivo de transformar la enseñanza a través de propuestas artísticas, pedagógicas...
Xabier López Askasibar gana el XXIII Premio ASSITEJ España de Teatro para la Infancia y la Juventud.
El Jurado ha decidido otorgar el XXIII Premio ASSITEJ España de Teatro para la Infancia y la Juventud a la obra "De héroes y monstruos" del autor Xabier López Askasibar. El jurado destaca la obra por su capacidad para radiografiar una problemática social desde una...
Nueva edición de Abecedaria
El programa Abecedaria organiza 276 funciones de teatro, circo y danza para escolares en Andalucía El programa Abecedaria puesto en marcha por la Consejería de Cultura y Deporte, a través del Instituto Andaluz de las Artes Escénicas y la Música (IAAEM), en...
CANCELACIÓN de la programación de teatro y circo Circuito ASSITEJ 2024
Lamentamos comunicar que el recorte presupuestario del 48% con respecto a las dos ediciones anteriores de las ayudas del INAEM nos obliga a cancelar la programación de teatro y circo del Circuito ASSITEJ 2024. Desde ASSITEJ, hemos hecho todo lo posible por encontrar...
Irene Herráez, Premio Calderón de la Barca por “Todas las vidas”
Nuestra socia, Irene Herráez ha ganado el Premio Calderón de la Barca 2024 por "Todas las vidas" El texto, escrito como trabajo de fin de grado de Dramaturgia, fue creado a partir de las experiencias con adolescentes durante una serie de talleres que la autora realizó...
25 Salón Internacional del Libro Teatral
El 31 de octubre comienza el 25 Salón Internacional del Libro Teatral. El teatro para la infancia y la juventud estará presente en el Teatro Valle Inclán a través de nuestras publicaciones. Será un placer recibiros en nuestro Stand El Jueves 31 a las 18:30h, estaremos...
Festival Somos Lectura
Casa del Lector celebra los días 26 y 27 de octubre una nueva edición del Festival “SOMOS LECTURA”, especialmente diseñado para que familias, jóvenes, adolescentes y público adulto disfruten de las múltiples posibilidades que la lectura ofrece y explorar sus nuevas...
El próximo Encuentro Artístico Internacional de ASSITEJ "Generaciones Luminosas" tendrá lugar esta vez en Marsella entre los días 23 y 29 de marzo 2025. Una gran oportunidad para poder asistir a uno de los encuentros más importantes de artes escénicas para la infancia...
Así fue el XI Ciclo ASSITEJ de Lecturas Dramatizadas
Durante los días 8, 9 y 10 de abril de 2024 en el Auditorio de la Casa del Lector en Matadero Madrid, celebramos el XI Ciclo ASSITEJ de Lecturas Dramatizadas. Una experiencia única y de calidad para público infantil y juvenil que ayuda a dar a conocer la calidad...
ASSITEJ España en el Congreso Mundial de ASSITEJ 2024 y Festival de las Artes Escénicas para la Infancia y la Juventud “Voces de un Mundo Nuevo”
Desde el 24 de mayo y hasta el 1 de junio la delegación de ASSITEJ España, encabezada por la presidenta Eulàlia Ribera y el secretario general Gonzalo Moreno, está presente en el XXI Congreso Mundial de ASSITEJ y Festival de las Artes Escénicas para la Infancia y la...
Concluye el Encuentro de Dramaturgia para la Infancia y la Juventud 2024
Hemos vuelto de Valencia con la mochila llena de aprendizajes y experiencias de lo vivido entre el 15 y el 18 de mayo en el Encuentro de Dramaturgia para la Infancia y la Juventud 2024 organizado por ASSITEJ España, AVEET (Associació Valenciana d’Escriptores i...
La Associació d’Actors i Actrius Professionals Valencians (AAPV) otorga a ASSITEJ España el Premi Taules 2024
La Associació d’Actors i Actrius Professionals Valencians ha tenido a bien premiar a ASSITEJ España con el Premi Taules 2024 a la labor teatral. El Premi Taules -dirigido a aquellas instituciones que, aun perteneciendo a otras comunidades autónomas, defienden y...
Encuentro de Dramaturgia para la Infancia y la Juventud 2024
Del 15 al 18 de mayo de 2024, en Valencia, se celebrará el Encuentro de Dramaturgia para la Infancia y la Juventud 2024 organizado por ASSITEJ España, AVEET (Associació Valenciana d’Escriptores i Escriptors Teatrals,) y Escalante Centre d’Arts Escéniques La...
XXIII Premio ASSITEJ España de Teatro Infantil y Juvenil
Abrimos la convocatoria para participar en el XXIII Premio ASSITEJ España de Teatro Infantil y Juvenil, que pretende estimular la creación de la dramaturgia dirigida a los jóvenes públicos. El premio se convoca de forma bianual y, al mismo, pueden presentarse textos...
20 de marzo. Día Mundial de las Artes Escénicas para la Infancia y la Juventud
ASSITEJ España se complace en anunciar la celebración del Día Mundial de las Artes Escénicas para la Infancia y la Juventud, que se llevará a cabo el próximo 20 de marzo. El Día Mundial de las Artes Escénicas para la Infancia y la Juventud es una iniciativa de ASSITEJ...
Asamblea General de Socios y Socias y Elecciones a la Junta Directiva 2024
El próximo martes 27 de febrero a las 17 horas celebraremos la Asamblea General Ordinaria de socios y socias de ASSITEJ España en el Salón de Actos de la Escuela de Comercio de Gijón y en el marco del Festival FETEN. Orden del día: 1. Lectura y aprobación, si...
XI Ciclo ASSITEJ de Lecturas Dramatizadas
ASSITEJ España celebrará el XI Ciclo ASSITEJ de Lecturas Dramatizadas los días 8, 9 y 10 de abril en el Auditorio de la Casa del Lector en Matadero Madrid. Como en años anteriores, la lectura de textos dramáticos se convierte en una experiencia única y de calidad para...
La Mostra de Igualada abre las inscripciones profesionales
El pasado 17 de enero la Mostra de Igualada abrió el período para acreditarse como profesional en su edición de 2024. Todas aquellas entidades que se inscriban antes del 4 de marzo, recibirán un descuento en el precio de la acreditación. A partir de esta fecha, y...
Abierta la convocatoria artística para MADFeria 2024
Ya está abierta la convocatoria para presentar propuestas artísticas para la próxima edición de MADferia, Feria de Artes Escénicas de Madrid. MADferia admite propuestas escénicas de cualquier disciplina (teatro, danza, circo, performance, etc.) y formato, incluyendo...
ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2023
Del 20 al 24 de noviembre se celebra en Belgrado y Novi Sad (Serbia) el ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering. Encuentro internacional anual que llevará por nombre Turning Point (Punto de inflexión). Una cita para seguir profundizando en el trabajo en red, fortalecer vínculos y...
Presentación del libro «Días azules y sol de infancia» de Itziar Pascual
La dramaturga y periodista Itziar Pascual, Premio Nacional de Artes Escénicas para la Infancia y la Juventud, publica bajo la editorial Punto de Vista Editores ‘Días azules y sol de infancia’, una antología de sus siete textos teatrales dirigidos al público infantil,...
Convocatoria Congreso Mundial ASSITEJ 2024
ASSITEJ Cuba y ASSITEJ Internacional, con el apoyo del Ministerio de Cultura y el Consejo Nacional de las Artes Escénicas de Cuba les invitan al XXI Congreso Mundial y Festival de Artes Escénicas de ASSITEJ en Cuba – el momento global más importante en el campo de las...
Da.Te Danza en A compás de Cadena Ser
"Danzando Emociones" y como la danza puede transformarse en producto de primera necesidad cuando se utiliza como herramienta para educar y contribuir a mejorar la salud mental de los adolescentes. 🎧 ¡No te lo pierdas! Sintoniza "A compás" y descubre cómo la...
Colaboración en Madferia
Este año ASSITEJ ha firmado un convenio de colaboración con la asociación Artemad. Fruto de este acuerdo nuestra entidad ha gestionado el público infantil y juvenil de los espectáculos familiares, ha acogido en el espacio La Nube de Casa del Lector el taller "Las...
Encuentro de creación para público jóven. Sentir, creer, pensar, actuar
El día 14 de abril de 2023, reunimos por primera vez bajo un mismo espacio a los principales creadores y creadoras de artes escénicas destinadas a la adolescencia en nuestro país. El encuentro fue conducido por Eva Yergo e Ignacio Ceballos, dos investigadores del ámbito académico, que buscaban profundizar en los procesos de creación dramática y su relación con la endoculturización de los jóvenes.
Premio Juan Cervera de Investigación sobre Artes Escénicas para la Infancia y la Juventud 2023
Se abre la convocatoria del XI Premio Juan Cervera de Investigación sobre Artes Escénicas para la Infancia y la Juventud. ASSITEJ España, con el fin de estimular y promover el trabajo de investigación, así como la generación de conocimiento en el ámbito de las artes...
de la isla al nodo
Formación para docentes con Pedagogías Invisibles y María Acaso El aula es un espacio escénico: el escenario, la audiencia, el relato, los actores y actrices… No cabe duda de que las artes escénicas pueden ser una gran ayuda a la hora de diseñar nuestras experiencias...
Encuentro sobre creación para público joven
Encuentro con algunos de los principales creadores y creadoras de artes escénicas destinadas a la adolescencia y confrontarlos con su público, los jóvenes, en un debate abierto al diálogo y a la reflexión En conjunción con otros agentes de transmisión cultural como la...
X Ciclo ASSITEJ de Lecturas Dramatizadas.
ASSITEJ España celebra el X Ciclo ASSITEJ de Lecturas Dramatizadas, los días 27, 28 y 29 de marzo en el Auditorio de la Casa del Lector en Matadero Madrid.La lectura de textos dramáticos se convierte en una experiencia única y de calidad para público infantil y...
Workshop The hidden look of the heroes.
DRAMATURGY WORKSHOP THE HIDDEN LOOK OF HEROES (Dramatic Writing for Young Audiences) By Maribel Carrasco Although nothing will scare them away, we can be heroes just for one day…” Fragment of “Heroes” by David Bowie Inscriptions:...
XXII ASSITEJ Spain Prize for Theater for Children and Youth
The Jury, meeting last Tuesday, December 12, has decided to award the XXII ASSITEJ Spain Prize for Theater for Children and Youth to the play Mi sueño de invierno by the author Nieves Rodríguez Rodríguez. The jury highlights the work for the care of...
III Conference on dramaturgy for children and youth
The III Conference on dramaturgy for children and youth is consolidated as a reference space to defend the right of access to art for children The National Dramatic Center of Madrid hosted the celebration of the third edition of the Conference on...
III Conference on dramaturgy for children and youth
The III Conference on dramaturgy for children and youth will be held at the iconic National Dramatic Center of Madrid and will be attended by the prominent Cuban playwright Blanca Felipe Rivero who will give the workshop: The "I am" of the character and the...
I Conference on Inclusion and Accessibility in the Performing Arts for children and youth
I Conference on Inclusion and Accessibility in the Performing Arts for children and youth 20-23 October. Malaga. Cánovas Theater and La Malagueta Cultural Center We want to announce that this year ASSITEJ, in collaboration with the Cánovas Theater in Málaga, starts...
Measures for the development of Dance in childhood and youth
Los días 9 y 10 de diciembre de 2021 tuvo lugar en Madrid el II Encuentro Nacional de Danza para la Infancia y la Juventud convocado por ASSITEJ España. Representantes de un total de 14 asociaciones profesionales de danza a nivel autonómico y estatal, con...
We launch ASSITEJ Circuit
We are very excited to announce the launch of the ASSITEJ Circuit. State circuit of performing arts for children and youth. The ASSITEJ Circuit proposes the creation of a network that promotes and fosters the programming of quality proposals aimed at...
Measures for the development of dance in childhood and youth
Last December we met together with representatives of 18 other entities and professional associations at the II Notional Dance Meeting for Children and Youth organized by ASSITEJ. As a result of this meeting, the document "Measures for the...
XXII ASSITEJ Spain Award for Children's and Youth Theater
Today the call to participate in the XXII ASSITEJ Spain Award for Children's and Youth Theater opens, which aims to stimulate the creation of drama for young audiences. The prize is convened biannually, and at the same time texts can be presented...
IX CYCLE ASSITEJ OF DRAMATIZED READINGS EXHIBITION OF THEATER FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH FREE ACTIVITY FOR EDUCATIONAL CENTERS. ASSITEJ Spain celebrates the IX Cycle of Dramatized Readings, on February 7, 8 and 9. One more year, the theatrical readings...
The company El Espejo Negro receives the ASSITEJ Spain 2021 National Award.
The company El Espejo Negro receives the ASSITEJ Spain 2021 National Award. The partners of ASSTITEJ Spain. Performing Arts for Children and Youth have decided to award the prize to the company from Malaga El Espejo Negro. A company, created in 1989 by...
Luis Bartolomé Herrero has won the Hispano-American Prize for Playwriting for New Childhoods
Our associate Luis Bartolomé Herrero wins the Hispano-American Prize for Playwriting for New Childhoods, for his work Rilar does not help, but warns. He has been the only Spanish winner of the contest organized by the Institute of Performing Arts "Dr. Raúl H....
Interview with Andrea Diaz Reboredo
Andrea Díaz Reboredo, a multidisciplinary plastic artist by training and a theatrical creator (director, set designer, performer…) by vocation, has been accumulating awards and recognitions with her theater company MAR (with the shows, MAR and Silencio). In the...
Cristina Santolaria wins the X Juan Cervera Prize for Research on Performing Arts for children and youth.
On the 3rd, the jury of the Juan Cervera Prize for Research on Performing Arts for Children and Youth met and decided to award the award of its X edition to Cristina Santolaria Solano for her work One million little princesses! (The Madrid scene...
Titirimundi, National Award for Performing Arts for Children and Youth
The Segovian festival obtains the award for being "an indisputable benchmark" and for "its capacity for generational renewal". From ASSITEJ we are very happy to recognize a festival that this year celebrated its 35th edition and that had to adapt its...
ASSITEJ Interviews – The Little Spectator
We are launching the cycle of meetings and interviews, in collaboration with The Little Spectator, with performing arts professionals aimed at children and youth These meetings, which begin with the interview we recorded with Carlos Laredo at Casa del Lector,...
Start Bold. State Circuit of Performing Arts for School Audiences
Start Bold. State Circuit of Performing Arts for School Audiences promoted by the INAEM, and the Te Veo and ASSITEJ associations. The pilot phase of the project begins its activity this September with training in mediation and development of...
Campi Qui Pugui receives the Catalonia Critics Award for his “Road to School” Congratulations!!
Campi Qui Pugui receives the Catalonia Critics Award for his "Road to School" Congratulations!! Three sisters, one path and one goal: to have the future in their hands. The extraordinary story of three sisters who face obstacles and dangers...
The little spectator in RTVE's Artesfera
The small spectator, the theater and performing arts magazine for babies, children and youth participated on April 15 in the Rtve program Arteesfera. To learn more about this magazine, they interviewed Eva Llergo, Doctor of Literature from the Complutense University,...
We are very grateful to the Academy for granting us this very important recognition of our work. This medal belongs to the entire ASSITEJ Spain community that with its tireless and, often, little-recognized work contributes to improving the situation of ...
The call for the 10th Juan Cervera Research Award for Performing Arts for Children and Youth is open
ASSITEJ Spain announces, once again, the X Juan Cervera Research Award on Performing Arts for Children and Youth, with the aim of stimulating and promoting research work, as well as the generation of knowledge in the field of theater for. ..
Teatralia Festival 2021
Teatralia cumple 25 años en un momento en que más que nunca el arte se hace imprescindible; el arte que libera, el arte que sana, en expresión de Boris Cyrulnik, el “inventor” de la resiliencia. Nos invitan al diálogo con 28 equipos artísticos, los que componen cada...
March 17, Ordinary General Assembly of ASSITEJ Spain 2021 Members
On March 17, at 6:00 p.m., we will celebrate the General Assembly of Members of ASSITEJ Spain 2021. Given the current situation we are experiencing, we will not be able to meet together in person as we all would have liked, but we will see each other ... .
March 20, World Day for the Performing Arts for Children and Young People
On March 20, the World Day of the Performing Arts for Children and Young People is celebrated internationally. A day in which globally support the right of all boys and girls to have equal access to art, especially the arts ...
DA.TE Danza company premieres “Natanam”; a new contemporary dance show for early childhood and families.
Natanam is a tribute to early childhood, newborn, which is in constant movement, renewal and evolution.
Meeting of ASSITEJ members:
Diversity and accessibility in the Performing Arts for children and youth. Wednesday, January 27 (6:00 p.m.) Coordinated by Jana Pacheco The purpose of this meeting is to reflect and look for possibilities for theater companies for children and families to ...
"The first night of the bird-children" Theater in Confluence Award
The first night of the bird children, a proposal aimed at children with a text by Gracia Morales, with a staging project by Adolfo Simón and a co-production of Títeres Sol y Tierra, Tropos Teatro and La Tartana Teatro, wins the Theater Award in Confluence. ...
VIII ASSITEJ CYCLE OF DRAMATIC READINGS SAMPLE OF THEATER FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH ASSITEJ Spain celebrates the VIII Cycle of Dramatized Readings, on January 9, 10 and 11. One more year, the theatrical readings return to the Auditorium of Casa del Lector ...
Plenary of the State Council of the AA. USA and Music
The Minister of Culture and Sports, José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes, accompanied by the general director of the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (INAEM), Amaya de Miguel, has chaired this Thursday the plenary session of the State Council of Performing Arts and of...
The XLIV Madrid Children's and Youth Book Fair begins
Yesterday, December 15, the XLIV Madrid Children's and Youth Book Fair began at the Conde Duque cultural center. ASSITEJ Spain, as a member of the General Council of Children's and Youth Books, participated in the inauguration of this new edition. The Book Room ...
Ultramarinos de Lucas ASSITEJ Spain National Award 2020
We are very happy to inform you that, following the votes received by the members of ASSITEJ Spain, Ultramarinos de Lucas has been awarded the ASSITEJ Spain 2020 National Award. This award, of an honorary nature, wants to recognize the contribution of ...
Javier del Barrio at the Virtual Meeting of Authors and Translators.
A few weeks ago I participated in the meeting of authors and translators organized by the Association Authors and Authors of Theater (AAT) in virtual edition, which under normal circumstances would have taken place in the Theater Book Hall. There I had the opportunity to speak ...
The purpose of this Good Practice Guide is to offer cultural institutions, theaters, auditoriums, performing arts and music production and exhibition companies, and artistic companies and groups, a series of basic prevention measures and ...
Jordi Palet i Puig, winner of the XXI ASSITEJ Spain Theater for Children and Youth Award
On Monday, November 23, the XXI ASSITEJ Spain Theater Award for Children and Youth was awarded, which went to the Catalan playwright Jordi Palet i Puig, for his text De sugar (De sucre). "A woman who goes to pick up her grandson at school every afternoon. A ...
We participate in the Jornades d'Arts Escéniques per a la Infància i la Joventut
On Thursday, November 12, we participated in the Jornades d'Arts Escéniques per a la Infància i la Joventut of the Associació Valenciana d'Escriptores i Escriptors Teatrals (AVEET). At the conference, we had the opportunity to coincide with the Associació de Teatre per a ...
New Meetings of Members of ASSITEJ Spain
As you will remember, last spring from ASSITEJ we promoted a series of meetings with members. These meetings focused on different themes, and were a way of continuing to jointly build the huge network of performing arts to ...
Companya de Comediants La Baldufa, National Award for Performing Arts for Children and Youth 2020
The company La Baldufa has been awarded today with the National Award for Performing Arts for Children and Youth corresponding to 2020 for its "permanent commitment both to the most transgressive stage innovation and to the theatrical and circus tradition" ....
ASSITEJ International Manifesto
ASSITEJ Manifesto While the Covid-19 crisis was underway, hundreds of performing arts professionals around the world collaborated through ASSITEJ Coffee Sessions. They shared their realities, expressed their views and their ...
We participate in the 51st Molina de Segura Theater Festival
These days the 51st Molina de Segura Theater Festival is held, which safely schedules shows until October 4. ASSITEJ will be next Monday, September 21, participating in the youth theater webinar. Initiatives. We invite you to ...
Nieves Rodríguez Rodríguez wins the XXIX Theater Texts Contest of the Navarra School of Theater
Nieves Rodríguez Rodríguez with 'The sowing of numbers', in the Spanish modality, and Xabier Paya Ruiz with 'Beste behin batean', in the Basque modality, have been the winners of the XXIX Theater Texts Contest aimed at children. This contest ...
Apoyamos la campaña #laculturadebecontinuar
ASSITEJ se une a la campaña de la Unión de Industrias Culturales #LACULTURADEBECONTINUAR, que reivindica el derecho a la cultura para toda la ciudadanía, y también a unas condiciones dignas de empleo para los y las trabajadoras del sector. La Unión de Asociaciones...
ASSITEJ España colabora con el Festival Escena Patrimonio
ASSITEJ España colabora con la tercera edición del Festival Escena Patrimonio, que este año se centra en las mujeres y en la infancia. La tradición marinera marca que cuando un barco se está hundiendo, las mujeres y los niños tienen siempre prioridad para abandonar la...
The ASSITEJ Spain VIDEO LIBRARY continues to grow
The ASSITEJ Spain VIDEO LIBRARY continues to grow. There are already many companies that have sent us videos of their productions, thus contributing to enrich this comprehensive archive of the performing arts for children and youth in our country. ASSITEJ VIDEO LIBRARY ...
Encuentro de Dramaturgia entre Maribel Carrasco e Itziar Pascual
El jueves 23 de julio celebramos, junto a TTP (Associació de Teatre per a Tots els Públics), Asociación TeVeo, UNIMA España, AAT (Asociación de Autoras y Autores de Teatro) y Escuela Navarra de Teatro, el Encuentro de Dramaturgia entre las autoras Maribel Carrasco e...
ASSITEJ International Annual Magazine 2020
Against all odds and despite the difficulties arising from the pandemic and isolation situation, ASSITEJ International launches the 2020 volume of its annual Magazine. The magazine will be presented in paper format, at the 2021 World Congress, ...
Está abierta, hasta el 15 de septiembre, la convocatoria de proyectos PLATAFORMA DE LANZAMIENTO, de la Asociación Nuevos Públicos y del Festival Pendientes de un Hilo. Se trata de un programa dirigido a proyectos artísticos que estén en proceso de gestación, de...
Abierta la convocatoria artística para la 32ª edición de Mostra d’Igualada
Nos llega una estupenda noticia, y es que la 32ª edición de Mostra d'Igualada se celebrará entre el 15 y el 18 de abril de 2021. La convocatoria artística para compañías está abierta hasta el 15 de agosto; y se dirige a espectáculos de cualquier género destinados a...
Write theater for girls and boys, tomorrow. A dialogue with Maribel Carrasco and Itziar Pascual
Aplazadas las II Jornadas de Dramaturgia para la Infancia y la Juventud a julio de 2021, continuamos apostando por el encuentro artístico que nos permita seguir debatiendo en torno a la situación actual de la dramaturgia para jóvenes públicos. Nos reuniremos el...
Gemma Gómez Rubio joins the Board of Directors
Tras la marcha de nuestra compañera Berta Muñoz Cáliz, cuyo trabajo en la Junta Directiva de ASSITEJ ha sido tan importante, se incorpora a la Junta Gemma Gómez Rubio, doctora en Filología Hispánica y profesora de Didáctica de la Lengua y Literatura en la Universidad...
INAEM has just published the GUIDE TO GOOD PRACTICES FOR THE RESTART OF STAGE AND MUSICAL ACTIVITY IN SPAIN, written with the collaboration of 14 state-level associations for the performing and musical arts. The purpose of this Good Practice Guide is ...
Partner meetings
ASSITEJ Spain holds, during the month of June, a series of meetings with its partners. The first meeting was on June 2, focused on the debate on the possibilities and drawbacks of virtualizing the performing arts. The second...
ASSITEJ Spain continues with the work of archiving, documentation and recovery of specialized material in the performing arts sector for girls, boys and young people. Along these lines, we started a VIDEOTECA OF PERFORMING ARTS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH, a ...
Migrants Project
In 2019, ASSITEJ Spain, together with ASSITEJ France and ASSITEJ Italy, launched the Migrants project. The project aims to analyze the impact that the migration issue currently has on our society, as well as its reflection on the performing arts ...
Support measures for the sector
ASSITEJ Spain is working, in coordination, with other cultural entities and directly with the Public Administrations, in the drafting and communication of various support measures for the sector. Here you can find a compilation of the measurements ...
ASSITEJ Spain statement
Dear friends, dear friends: Given the lack of determination shown by the Minister of Culture in his public interventions regarding the extraordinary urgent measures that must be taken to preserve the various cultural manifestations of our ...
Convened the XXI ASSITEJ Spain Prize for Theater for Children and Youth
The XXI ASSITEJ Spain Prize for Children's and Youth Theater has already been called, which aims to stimulate the creation of dramaturgy aimed at young audiences. The award is convened biannually, and texts written in Spanish, or in ...
CLICK, when everything changes: New title of the Theater Collection
On Thursday, March 5, we presented the new volume of the Theater Collection: Clic, when everything changes, the text by Amaranta Osorio and Itziar Pascual, winner of the II Fundación Teatro Calderón Prize for Dramatic Literature, which the Fundación Teatro Calderón de Valladolid ...
World Day of the Performing Arts for Children and Youth
On March 20 is celebrated the World Day of the Performing Arts for Children and Youth and we would like to invite you all to join this celebration. There is still a long way to go and it is necessary to make visible the importance of children and young people ...
Presentation of the II Dramaturgy Conference for Children and Youth Awards Ceremony ASSITEJ Spain 2019 Annual General Assembly ASSITEJ Spain ASSITEJ will be very present at FETEN 2020! In this edition of the European Theater Fair for boys and girls, ...
Held the VII Cycle of Dramatic Readings of ASSITEJ
ASSITEJ has held its VII Cycle of Dramatic Readings, the annual meeting of young and old with dramaturgy. From January 13 to 15, boys and girls from up to 8 schools have attended the Casa del Lector Auditorium to enjoy the different ...
Hugo Salcedo winner of the IX edition of the Juan Cervera Research Prize for Children and Youth
Hugo Salcedo is the winner of the IX Juan Cervera Research Prize on Performing Arts for Children and Youth with his work Migration in the theater for children and youth in Mexico. Context, strategies and dramatic resources. Of the nine jobs ...
ASSITEJ Spain celebrates the VII Cycle of Dramatic Readings, on January 13, 14 and 15. One more year, the theater readings return to the Auditorium of Casa del Lector in Matadero Madrid. The cycle is made up of three dramatized readings of theater texts for the public ...
We are extremely pleased to announce that, after the votes received by the members of ASSITEJ Spain, La Rous has been awarded the 2019 ASSITEJ Spain National Award. This award, of an honorary nature, wants to recognize the contribution of the La Rous company to ...
The Association of Theater Authors and Authors co-organizes with the National Dramatic Center-INAEM its 20th edition of the International Theater Book Show where publishers, bookstores, cultural entities, associations, literary agents, producers, ...
Inclusion and performing arts, ASSITEJ's new international project
ASSITEJ Spain begins a new line of work around inclusion from the perspective of the performing arts, through the ASSITEJ IIAN International Network (International Inclusive Arts Network). We are looking for professionals, entities and arts projects ...
ASSITEJ Spain presents the Migrants Project at the Artistic Meeting 2020
What emotions do displaced people experience from the moment they leave until they arrive in an unknown country? That has been the question around which all those attending the performance created and developed by Jaume Belló and Enric have reflected ...
The workshops included in the International Dance Congress for Children and Youth have already begun
The workshops included in the programming of the First International Dance Congress for Children and Youth have already begun. In the dramaturgy workshop the participants have been able to improve their role as playwrights applied to dance for the public ...
We celebrate the 1st International Dance Congress for Children and Youth
The 1st International Dance Congress for Children and Youth has already started. Starting today and throughout the weekend, numerous meetings, conferences, shows and workshops will take place in which the state of dance will be brought together to ...
ASSITEJ Spain celebrates the 1st International Dance Congress for Children and Youth
ASSITEJ Spain is organizing, together with the International Dance Network, the 1st International Dance Congress for Children and Youth. The meeting will take place in the city of Granada from July 5 to 7, 2019 under the framework of the International Festival of ...
ASSITEJ Spain meets with the Iberoamerican Network of Performing Arts for Children and Youth in Uruguay
ASSITEJ-Spain has traveled to Uruguay to meet with colleagues from the Ibero-American Network of Performing Arts for Children and Youth. In this way, the center of Spain joins the rest of the Latin American centers participating in the meeting, such as ...
ASSITEJ Spain announces, for yet another year, the IX Juan Cervera Prize for Research on Performing Arts for Children and Youth. This new edition of the award pursues the objective, once again, of stimulating and promoting research work, as well as ...
ASSITEJ celebrates Book Week at Argalibro 2019
ASSITEJ Spain, in its commitment to the defense of children's and youth literature and, more specifically, of dramaturgy aimed at children and youth, joins the celebration of International Book Day, which takes place every year on 23 April. It will...
TELL IT, SHOW IT. Theater days against sexist violence
Tomorrow begins TELL IT, SHOW IT. Theater days against sexist violence, which Helvetica has jointly organized with the Institute of Feminist Research at the Complutense University and with the Juana Doña Space of the City Council of ...
En ASSITEJ España queremos reforzar nuestra presencia en ferias profesionales y festivales. Por ello, estaremos presentes en la próxima edición de la Mostra de Igualada. Será una gran ocasión para encontrarnos con los socios y todas aquellas personas interesadas en...
Held the First Days of Dramaturgy for Children and Youth
The 1st Dramaturgy Days for Children and Youth held at the Sala Beckett in Barcelona from March 27 to 29, 2019 have concluded successfully. In these 5 sessions of work and reflection, both playwrights and companies and, in general, agents of ...
Participants in Suzanne Lebeau's Writing Workshop complete the training
The 1st Dramaturgy Days for Children and Youth held at the Sala Beckett in Barcelona began with the Writing Workshop by Suzanne Lebeau. For four days, the Canadian playwright shared her more than 40 years of experience with 12 ...
Día Mundial do Teatro para a Infancia e a Mocidade
MENSAXE DO DÍA MUNDIAL 2019 YVETTE HARDIE, PRESIDENTA DE ASSITEJ Vivimos nun mundo esgazado pola división e a confrontación. Ao noso redor, por todas partes, atopamos líderes e estratexias co obxectivo de enfrontar as persoas por motivos de raza, idioma,...
DIA MUNDIAL DEL TEATRE PER A LA INFÀNCIA I LA JOVENTUT 2019Avui, 20 de març, se celebra el Dia Mundial del Teatre per a la Infància i la Joventut 2019 i ASSITEJ vol celebrar-lo amb el missatge “Porta un nen al teatre avui, Porta una nena al teatre avui” recordant-nos...
WRITING WORKSHOP WITH SUZANNE LEBEAUD The 1st Symposium on Dramaturgy for Children and Youth will take place from March 27 to 31, organized by TTP - Professional Theater Association for All Audiences and ASSITEJ Spain. The main claim of the ...
Jornadas de dramaturgia para la infancia y la juventud Fruto de la necesidad de reivindicar la dramaturgia para niñas, niños y jóvenes la TTP - Asociación Profesional de Teatro para Todos los Públicos y ASSITEJ España organizan las I Jornadas de dramaturgia...