Wed,Nov,2024 | International News
Una ocasión especial para que todo el mundo conozca los derechos de los niños y para recordar la importancia de trabajar para conseguir el bienestar de todos los niños y las niñas del mundo. Este día de celebración a nivel mundial es una oportunidad para recordar el...
Wed,Oct,2024 | International News
El próximo Encuentro Artístico Internacional de ASSITEJ “Generaciones Luminosas” tendrá lugar esta vez en Marsella entre los días 23 y 29 de marzo 2025. Una gran oportunidad para poder asistir a uno de los encuentros más importantes de artes escénicas para...
Mon,Apr,2024 | International News
Abrimos la convocatoria para participar en el XXIII Premio ASSITEJ España de Teatro Infantil y Juvenil, que pretende estimular la creación de la dramaturgia dirigida a los jóvenes públicos. El premio se convoca de forma bianual y, al mismo, pueden presentarse textos...
Thu,Mar,2024 | Schedule, Partner News, International News
ASSITEJ España se complace en anunciar la celebración del Día Mundial de las Artes Escénicas para la Infancia y la Juventud, que se llevará a cabo el próximo 20 de marzo. El Día Mundial de las Artes Escénicas para la Infancia y la Juventud es una iniciativa de ASSITEJ...
Thu,Oct,2023 | International News
Del 20 al 24 de noviembre se celebra en Belgrado y Novi Sad (Serbia) el ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering. Encuentro internacional anual que llevará por nombre Turning Point (Punto de inflexión). Una cita para seguir profundizando en el trabajo en red, fortalecer vínculos y...
Sun,Jul,2023 | International News
ASSITEJ Cuba y ASSITEJ Internacional, con el apoyo del Ministerio de Cultura y el Consejo Nacional de las Artes Escénicas de Cuba les invitan al XXI Congreso Mundial y Festival de Artes Escénicas de ASSITEJ en Cuba – el momento global más importante en el campo de las...
Thu,Dec,2022 | International News
The Jury, meeting last Tuesday, December 12, has decided to award the XXII ASSITEJ Spain Prize for Theater for Children and Youth to the play Mi sueño de invierno by the author Nieves Rodríguez Rodríguez. The jury highlights the work for the care of...
Wed,Mar,2022 | International News
Today the call to participate in the XXII ASSITEJ Spain Award for Children's and Youth Theater opens, which aims to stimulate the creation of drama for young audiences. The prize is convened biannually, and at the same time texts can be presented...
Tue,Sep,2020 | International News
ASSITEJ Manifesto While the Covid-19 crisis was underway, hundreds of performing arts professionals around the world collaborated through ASSITEJ Coffee Sessions. They shared their realities, expressed their views and their ...
Fri,Jul,2020 | International News
Against all odds and despite the difficulties arising from the pandemic and isolation situation, ASSITEJ International launches the 2020 volume of its annual Magazine. The magazine will be presented in paper format, at the 2021 World Congress, ...
Fri,Feb,2020 | International News
On March 20 is celebrated the World Day of the Performing Arts for Children and Youth and we would like to invite you all to join this celebration. There is still a long way to go and it is necessary to make visible the importance of children and young people ...
Mon,Jan,2020 | International News
Hugo Salcedo is the winner of the IX Juan Cervera Research Prize on Performing Arts for Children and Youth with his work Migration in the theater for children and youth in Mexico. Context, strategies and dramatic resources. Of the nine jobs ...
Thu,Oct,2019 | International News
ASSITEJ Spain begins a new line of work around inclusion from the perspective of the performing arts, through the ASSITEJ IIAN International Network (International Inclusive Arts Network). We are looking for professionals, entities and arts projects ...
Tue,Sep,2019 | International News
What emotions do displaced people experience from the moment they leave until they arrive in an unknown country? That has been the question around which all those attending the performance created and developed by Jaume Belló and Enric have reflected ...
Fri,Jul,2019 | International News
The 1st International Dance Congress for Children and Youth has already started. Starting today and throughout the weekend, numerous meetings, conferences, shows and workshops will take place in which the state of dance will be brought together to ...
Tue,Jun,2019 | International News
ASSITEJ Spain is organizing, together with the International Dance Network, the 1st International Dance Congress for Children and Youth. The meeting will take place in the city of Granada from July 5 to 7, 2019 under the framework of the International Festival of ...
Fri,May,2019 | International News
ASSITEJ-Spain has traveled to Uruguay to meet with colleagues from the Ibero-American Network of Performing Arts for Children and Youth. In this way, the center of Spain joins the rest of the Latin American centers participating in the meeting, such as ...
Thu,Mar,2019 | International News
The 1st Dramaturgy Days for Children and Youth held at the Sala Beckett in Barcelona began with the Writing Workshop by Suzanne Lebeau. For four days, the Canadian playwright shared her more than 40 years of experience with 12 ...
Tue,Mar,2019 | International News
TALLER DE ESCRITURA CON SUZANNE LEBEAU Del 27 al 31 de marzo tendrán lugar las I Jornadas de Dramaturgia para la Infancia y la Juventud organizadas por TTP – Asociación Profesional de Teatro para Todos los Públicos y ASSITEJ España. El principal reclamo de las...
Wed,Jan,2019 | International News
Our President Eulàlia Ribera was invited by ASSITEJ Korea to participate in the XV ASSITEJ Winter Festival that was held in Seoul this January. A great opportunity to learn about the programs that are being developed in the Asian country in the arts ...